The Top 7 Tips To Increase Your Landing Page Conversions

“Why isn’t my page converting?”

This is one of the top questions I am constantly asked.

A lot of business owners (including digital marketers) struggle with creating landing pages that actually convert! They may be using the best practices available, but their conversion rate is lower than expected.

What I’ve personally found in my 16 years of running a leading Digital Marketing and Web design company in Perth is that we sometimes skip over the really basic stuff, including simple design flaws which can easily turn away the potential leads.

With that in mind, I have put together the The Top 7 Tips To Increase Your Landing Page Conversions. It’s time to put your business hat on and demystify the most common landing page falsehoods and arm you with the correct information so you can start kicking some major lead generating goals!

1. Not Split Testing

Time and time again we see people creating only the one landing page thinking it’s going to capture all their leads, but when it fails to attract any potential leads or sales – they have no idea what went wrong?

I highly recommend creating multiple versions of the one landing page and split testing against each other to see which one is working the best.

You don’t need to redesign each landing page so they all look completely different, it could be as simple as just changing the headline on each one – this way you can easily identify which headline is resonating with your target audience and which headline isn’t.

2. Stop Selling & Start Educating

Put yourself into the shoes of your customer. Do you like to read a robotic sales pitch that is bland an uninspiring, No? Well then, why would your customer?

One of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to selling online, is that they are basically doing just that… they write their content as if they are ‘selling to you’. Now, I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to be sold to. I prefer to learn about the benefits of a product and be educated on the value I am about to purchase.

So when you start writing your content, list all the benefits your product or service will bring and make that be the highlight of your landing page. For example, let’s use a ladies handbags as a potential item for sale. I constantly read product descriptions that go something like this:

“Black Leather sling bag with adjustable chain strap”.

To me, that sums up a lot of bags with no real effort to sell the benefits or value. So how about we changed the copy to something like this:

“This luxurious black leather sling bag has an adjustable chain strap, made from premium quality leather.”

Now, I don’t think of myself as a great copywriter at all, but just adding a couple of keywords like ‘Luxurious, quality & premium’ really add that extra detail to your listing.

So remember to start educating your audience on the benefits and value of your products or service.

3. It’s not all about size (Ladies ;P)

A Landing page with too much information can be quite overwhelming. Even though more text can help your landing page’s SEO (as search engines have more content to crawl), it can really overwhelm your sites visitors.

Endless paragraphs of text can make the page appear cluttered and hard to browse. Too much content can make the landing page nearly impossible to focus and the message your company is trying to deliver may be lost against all the noise.

Also, keep in mind about the first point on ‘Split Testing’. You could create 2 landing pages – one jam packed with everything you want to say, and the second layout is a ‘simplified message’ – let’s see which one works best.

Which landing page below do you think had a higher conversion rate?
Answer at the bottom of the page

Fitness Landing Page : A
(click the image to view the full page)

Fitness Landing Page : B
(click the image to view the full page)

4. The Power Of Imagery

A Smiling Person could increase your conversion rate – According to a study, big photos of smiling customers could increase your conversion rate by 102.5%. A smiling face sets potential leads in a positive mood that confidently influences your conversion rate. A photo makes a landing page unique, more personalized and overall interesting.

5. Have A Clear Call-To-Action

Having multiple Call-to-action (CTA) can confuse your potential lead. The objective of your landing page is to give potential leads with just enough knowledge to encourage them to take action.

So don’t ask your customers to download the eBook, follow you on social media, and subscribe to blog. These are not a single action for a potential lead to take.

1 CTA = 1 goal, 1 action = 1 result.

6. The Power Of Word-Of-Mouth

Endorsements make a huge impact – There are marketers that often make the mistake of creating a landing page that doesn’t include social proof or customers’ testimonials. Trust of credibility can lead to a strong reputation. Social proof should be actual quotes from relatable, real customers that have used your product or service.

Having real people in your landing page makes it seems friendlier and can showcase the benefits of your product in a way you can’t explain with a bulleted list.

Make sure that the customers’ testimonials are specific, include a name and a face, and are believable. Recommendations from renowned people or companies even better. If you can obtain video testimonials with people raving about your product, I personally have found that video has a higher conversion rate.

7. Add Value

Always remember to make sure you add value in your offer. If there is no value in your offer, it won’t matter how stunning looking, functional, responsive or interactive your landing page is. Remember, people are very ‘price orientated’ – so you want them to stop thinking about ‘how much does this cost’ and be more focused on how much value does this bring.

The Answer

Landing Page B currently has a 63% conversion rate over Landing Page A (currently 37%).

Although Landing Page A has a lot more content and designed to be more visually engaging, I believe Landing Page B has a better conversion rate for the following reasons:

  • The message and call-to-action is clear, the visitor isn’t distracted by too many visual elements cluttering up the overall message.
  • There is a strong video testimonial that helps builds confidence in that we can actually deliver on what we promise.
  • Notice how the call-to-action is is in full view once the page loads, the user can clearly see the lead generating case study that is available to download.

Do you agree with the points we’ve covered? Or maybe you’ve got your own website technique that works for you, I would love to read and answer your comments or questions – Fill in your details below and let’s continue this discussion.

To your success,

Lee Rekman.

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